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Sharing labor’s message through art

The Plattsburgh Teachers Association had a logo that their leaders thought needed a serious makeover. It was cluttered with mixed images (a sun, mountains, a child and books) and it tried to say too many things – who they are, their affiliates, and the local union’s mission.

Inspired by the “Labor Art for Issues, Campaigns and Logos” session presented at NYSUT’s Local Action Project, members of the Plattsburgh TA got to work. Helping them in their task were presenters Gary Huck, the only cartoonist in the country employed full time by a union, and Mike Konopacki, part of the Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons team, which syndicates cartoons to the labor press in U.S. and Canada.


The old Plattsburgh logo.

Palttsburgh old logo


The new logo after Plattsburgh union members worked with cartoonist Mike Konopacki




Read the full story here: Sharing labor’s message through art