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Where Art and Politics are no Stranger

Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for October 2019

Posted by on Oct 8, 2019 in Huck Teacher Cartoons | Comments Off on Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for October 2019

Standardized tests, Standardized tests II, Trump civics lesson, Labor Wrongs...

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Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for September 2019

Posted by on Oct 8, 2019 in Huck Teacher Cartoons | Comments Off on Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for September 2019

DOE oversight, I.C.E., Secretary of Labor, Andy Stern...

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Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for August

Posted by on Aug 24, 2019 in Huck Teacher Cartoons | Comments Off on Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for August

Church and state, I.C.E., Secretary of Labor, Andy Stern...

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Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for July 2019

Posted by on Jul 15, 2019 in Huck Teacher Cartoons | Comments Off on Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for July 2019

GOP Gerrymandering, Kids in cages, Buster in chief, Union less...

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Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for June 2019

Posted by on Jun 5, 2019 in Huck Teacher Cartoons | Comments Off on Gary Huck Teacher Cartoons for June 2019

Betsy DeVos v. public education, Student debt, No more massacres, Ignorance hate...

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