Konopacki Blog Cartoons

Genesis 1:27

Der der Führer honors Veterans Day


The Choice

Poisoning the Blood

The Blue Dot

Red Baiting

Trump is no Teddy Roosevelt

Donald Trump 2024

Original Cartoon published in 2016

DeSantis Unmasked

Pro Gun Jesus

He Lives, We Sleep

DeSantis Book

Greetings from Jaxonville

Pro Antisemitism

Live Free and Die

Another Florida State Bird

Florida State Bird


GOP Hammer

DeSantis as Hedley Lamarr in Blazing Saddles
DeSantis’s Critical Erase Theory
Jim Crow White Wash
Watch Night
Florida’s contribution to the Great Defenders of Democracy
Congressman Rutherfraud’s support of Trump’s lethal lies lead to murder of a Capitol cop.
DeSantis and his anti-riot law
DeSantis Mask Mandate
The Season of Treason
The Bad Apple
Jacksonville Confederate Monument
DeSantis Poll Tax
Jim Crow Scared
Rick Scott’s Unemployment Nightmare
Wendys Campaign
Florida’s Governor Ron DeCrow ESQ
The “noose cartoon” controversy
Donald J. Bone Spur
Jim Crow is alive and well in Florida
Folio cartoons
This cartoon on a Florida congressman was published instead of the Kraft cartoon
This cartoon was commissioned by the editor of Jacksonville’s Folio Weekly but the publisher nixed it
The dustbin of history
The Wisconsin Republicans butcher democracy
The Baraboo Salute
Another Lynching in St. Johns County, FL
Climate Change Denial
The poor snowflakes
Florida Governor’s “race
Hot Air Over Tampa
Florida private school curriculum
Putnam #$ellout
Gatehouse “must run”
Publix and Putnam
Culture of violence…
The most corrupt EPA head…
Paul Ryan resigns and Ayn Rand shrugs…
The Comey talks about the “Steele dossier”…
Florida Gov. Scott signs union-busting education bill
St. Augustine legislators vote against teachers
Foxconn suicide note
Trump the Chickenhawk
School massacres
Attacking Florida Teachers
Trump’s Orange Noser
Homer Johnson’s Secret Society
Florida Union-Busting Bill
Red Cross to Bear
Good Bye Wisconsin
The History of the Trickle-down Theory
Walking While Black
Roy Moore’s Bible Belt
St. Augustine Confederate Memorials
The Holy Marco Rubio
Heck of a job, Trumpie
Hoisted on his own petard
The Bradley Foundation’s Attack on Unions
Donald Trump in The Great Dictator
Speaker Ryan’s Spine
The Problem of White-Nass
Trump’s Propagandist
Paul Ryan’s cross to bear
Paul Ryan, the paragon of decency and principle...
Lead poison lobby owns pro-life Walker
Wisconsin’s Latest Corruption Scandal
Hanging Manitowoc
Cowardly Ryan
Brad Schimel
Looking up the Monkey’s Ass animation
Walker and Hitler: Are there any comparisons?